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Explore fashion and sustainability through a range of publications, books, and reports. Based upon research led by the team at CSF.



Antartica publication was prepared for the exhibition “Antarctica” by Lucy and Jorge Orta at Hangar Bicocca – Space for Contemporary Art, and presents the project Antarctic Village-No Borders. 

Artefact: Volume 1.0, CSF – A Snapshot Analysis

Artefact: Volume 1.0, CSF – A Snapshot Analysis

Fashion & Sustainability: A Snapshot Analysis from March 2008. This report highlights opportunities for the Centre for Sustainable Fashion to meet the industry’s need for a networked and focused approach to sustainable activity in the fashion industry. 

Artefact: Volume 2.0, CSF – Fashioning the Future

Artefact: Volume 2.0, CSF – Fashioning the Future

Artefact: Volume 3.0, CSF – Tactics for Change

Artefact: Volume 3.0, CSF – Tactics for Change

Artefact: Volume 4.0, CSF – Green Collar Graduates for the Fashion Industry

Artefact: Volume 4.0, CSF – Green Collar Graduates for the Fashion Industry

Artefact: Volume 5.0 – Promoting sustainable Indian textiles: final report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

Artefact: Volume 5.0 – Promoting sustainable Indian textiles: final report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

Artefact: Volume 7.0, CSF – Transformational Thinking

Artefact: Volume 7.0, CSF – Transformational Thinking

Artefact: Volume 8.0, CSF – Craft of Use

Artefact: Volume 8.0, CSF – Craft of Use

Artefact: Volume 9.0, Habit(at) A field-day exploring City Lives, Lost and Found: A Fashion Perspective

Artefact: Volume 9.0, Habit(at) A field-day exploring City Lives, Lost and Found: A Fashion Perspective

CSF Strategy 2015 – 2020

CSF Strategy 2015 – 2020

Centre for Sustainable Fashion’s 2015 – 2020 strategy, is a publication outlining CSF’s vision, plans, actions and change for the next five years. This strategy sets out CSF’s commitment to key themes and objectives based on past, present and future work.



This report documents the 'CUT' project, which transformed blades from knives into buttons and rivets for a bespoke collection of jeans that will be sold to fund opportunities for young people in the fashion industry.

Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) Strategy

Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) Strategy

The CSF Strategy sets our direction with short and long term aims and objectives, a delivery plan and a framework for accountability. It builds on academic research, knowledge exchange and educational practice undertaken by CSF since the Centre’s formation in 2008.

Clouds Nuages Versailles

Clouds Nuages Versailles

Clouds Nuages Versailles draws on Lucy + Jorge Orta’s research around issues effecting our environment with the particular theme of water.

Convening the Fashion Education System

Convening the Fashion Education System

This report, compiled by Centre for Sustainable Fashion, summarises the context, activities and findings of the 2017 discourse between three identified change-makers within the fashion education system – academic leaders, educators and students. It presents a set of provocations to be explored through activities at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2018.

DREEm: Digital Regeneration & Experience Economy modelling

DREEm: Digital Regeneration & Experience Economy modelling

The DREEm project sets out a variety of innovative digital strategies, informed by and implemented by Experience Economy organisations across the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Design and Nature: A Partnership’ co-edited by Professor Kate Fletcher

Design and Nature: A Partnership’ co-edited by Professor Kate Fletcher

Presented as an edited collection of 25 wide-ranging short chapters, the book explores the possibility of new relations between design and nature, beyond human mastery and understandings of nature as resource and by calling into question the longstanding role for design as an agent of capitalism.

Design for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Design for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

‘Design for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ is the third volume of a series of books published by the DESIS Network in relation to its Thematic Areas. This book includes DESIS Labs’ projects, clustered in three sub-areas: 1) Design for Distributed Production and Circular Economy; 2) Design for a New Craftsmanship; 3) Design for Social Inclusion and Empowerment.

Eco-Chic: Fashion Paradox

Eco-Chic: Fashion Paradox

Eco-Chic: The Fashion Paradox by Sandy Black is an examination of the complicated relationship between fashion and environment.

Education for Sustainability Transformation – Interim Report 2019

Education for Sustainability Transformation – Interim Report 2019

This interim report gathers evidence drawn from activities that have taken place across the college’s three schools and at Centre for Sustainable Fashion.

Education for Sustainability Transformation – Progress Report 2021

Education for Sustainability Transformation – Progress Report 2021

This report gathers EST-related evidence drawn from activities that have taken, are taking place, or are in preparation across LCF and at CSF towards education that is based on principles of ecological and social equity.

Elvis & Kresse: A Journey of Regenerative Transition

Elvis & Kresse: A Journey of Regenerative Transition

This pamphlet is a result of an eight-month collaboration between upcycled fashion accessories business Elvis & Kresse and Centre for Sustainable Fashion, London College of Fashion, UAL. The pamphlet is a powerful case study of regenerative transition, that can be adapted, scaled up and scaled across by (fashion) businesses across the UK and beyond. 

Fashion & Environment White Paper

Fashion & Environment White Paper

In collaboration with the British Fashion Council, and NGO Julie’s Bicycle, DHL developed an insightful White Paper which addresses the environmental impacts of the global fashion industry, provides recommendations on sustainable practices, and explores future-facing solutions to help ensure the continuing trend towards ‘Positive Fashion’ amongst businesses and consumers around the world.

Fashion & Sustainability: Design for Change

Fashion & Sustainability: Design for Change

Fashion & Sustainability: Design for Change by Kate Fletcher and Lynda Grose examines how sustainability has the potential to transform fashion; it explores ideas around the transformation of fashion products, systems and design practice.

Food Water Life

Food Water Life

Food Water Life looks at the work produced by Lucy and Jorge Orta that addresses community, shelter, migration and sustainable development.

Fostering Sustainable Practices Final Report

Fostering Sustainable Practices Final Report

This report documents and shares the results of the Fostering Sustainable Practices project, which investigates the creative practices in fashion design led micro and small enterprises.

Fostering Sustainable Practices – Mid point report

Fostering Sustainable Practices – Mid point report

UK fashion designers are widely acknowledged as creative influencers on the world stage. The Fostering Sustainable Practices (FSP) project investigates the creative practice in design-led fashion micro and small businesses as a potential driver for change towards a more sustainable future for the fashion industry. This mid-point report reflects on the achievements of the project so far, as well as highlighting what is planned for the next phase.

Habit(AT) – Denoting Practices in Space and Time (Archive Text)

Habit(AT) – Denoting Practices in Space and Time (Archive Text)

This publication offers a précis of ideas and actions developed at the Fashioning the Future Summer School in July 2013 as part of Centre for Sustainable Fashion’s collaborative ventures into Fashion Design Education for Sustainability. 

Handbook of Fashion Studies

Handbook of Fashion Studies

This book presents a state-of-the-art overview of the field of fashion – its methodologies, current debates, history and future. Both Sandy Black and Kate Fletcher have contributed chapters.

Making for Change: Waltham Forest

Making for Change: Waltham Forest

This report documents the ‘Making for Change: Waltham Forest’ project, which explored ways in which fashion and making can be used as catalysts for positive change and to activate legacies within a community. It reports on a range of activities in relation to education, manufacturing, and community engagement, grounded in the themes of makers, fellowship, and radicals.

Mapping Sustainable Fashion Opportunities for SMEs

Mapping Sustainable Fashion Opportunities for SMEs

This report for the European Commission, maps the current initiatives and key organisations in sustainable fashion and textiles across Europe. 

Opening up the Wardrobe: A Methods Book by Professor Kate Fletcher

Opening up the Wardrobe: A Methods Book by Professor Kate Fletcher

This book edited by Prof. Kate Fletcher and Ingun Grimstad Klepp presents a unique collection of 50 methods for exploring the actions, relationships and material contents of wardrobes. 

ReGo – Case Study

ReGo – Case Study

A case study on project ReGo to exemplify practice research in social design and fashion activism in relation to the issue of youth violence.

Reality, Reciprocity, Resilience

Reality, Reciprocity, Resilience

Scoping a decolonised process of designing for cultural sustainability with refugee communities.

Refugees as Creative Change-Makers

Refugees as Creative Change-Makers

This evaluation report documents the social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts of participatory action research with refugees and asylum seekers (based in East London), delivered through both the ‘Decolonising Fashion and Textiles’ (DFT) and ‘Weaving the Threads of Refugee Entrepreneurs’ (WTRE) project. 

Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys

Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys

Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys by Kate Fletcher presents information about lifecycle sustainability impacts of fashion and textiles and examines practical alternatives, design concepts and social innovation.

Ten Years of Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF)

Ten Years of Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF)

To mark the ten years since Centre for Sustainable Fashion was formed, this publication articulates some of the centre’s change-making practices and projects and highlights the ongoing and increasingly pressing need to continue to build a transformed fashion system.

The Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion

The Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion

Edited by Kate Fletcher and Matilda Tham this international Handbook is a unique resource for both scholar and student. Exploring Sustainability and Fashion on many levels and containing contributions from over 30 scholars, reviewing current agendas as well as exploring future ones.

The Sustainable Fashion Handbook

The Sustainable Fashion Handbook

The Sustainable Fashion Handbook by Sandy Black is an in depth and comprehensive reference on all aspects of sustainable fashion. Divided into 5 themes, each chapter presents an array of illustrated articles and essays by leading writers, thinkers and designers.

Threads of Opportunity: Good Work for Refugees in the Fashion Industry

Threads of Opportunity: Good Work for Refugees in the Fashion Industry

This policy paper is an output of the advocacy work package of the AHRC-funded two-yearlong participatory action research project ‘Decolonising Fashion and Textiles’ led by Dr Francesco Mazzarella.

Traces: Stories of Migration - Catalogue

Traces: Stories of Migration - Catalogue

This illustrated publication presents the creative outcomes of the ‘Traces: Stories of Migration’, a practice-led project by visual artist and Professor Lucy Orta. Critical essays by Camilla Palestra and Caroline Stevenson reflect on the context and process.

Transfashional – Post/Inter/Disciplinary Lexicon

Transfashional – Post/Inter/Disciplinary Lexicon

A catalogue of essays and works, featuring the work of CSF Researcher Lucy Orta. Can art and fashion respond to current social, economic, cultural and environmental urgencies and shape new paradigmatic positions? Transfashional explores the ways in which artists and designers are engaging and contributing to these questions…

V&A – Fashioned From Nature

V&A – Fashioned From Nature

In spite of this reverence for the natural world, fashion seems destined to harm it. With essays spanning the 17th century to the present day, Fashioned from Nature examines our dependence on the natural world.

‘Wild Dress: Clothing & the Natural World’ by Professor Kate Fletcher

‘Wild Dress: Clothing & the Natural World’ by Professor Kate Fletcher

In this collection of writings, Kate Fletcher explores relationships between garments and human embeddedness in nature. Going beyond the idea that nature is a means to human ends; Wild Dress documents how we wear clothes in ways that give more weight and awareness to the natural world.

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