Re-Modelling Fashion brings together leading specialist researchers from diverse disciplinary perspectives (design for sustainability at Centre for Sustainable Fashion, LCF, UAL and industrial sustainability at Cambridge University) and fashion practitioners in design, production, and retail at Petit Pli, Phoebe English, Save Your Wardrobe and ASOS and students from LCF and NID India and through UAL Shared Campus. The research is underpinned by CSF’s four agendas of sustainability: ecological, social, and economic value, cross-referencing a range of creative practices to speculate and apply products, services and systems that contribute to a thriving world.
By exploring challenges and opportunities across scales and locations, the project seeks to inform change across the fashion system generating insights for teaching, fashion industry practice and further research. Outputs include conference proceedings, academic publications and a forthcoming project report.
The project forms part of the wider Business of Fashion Textiles Technology project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Re-Modelling Fashion (Part of BFTT)
A co-inquiry between researchers, designers and teams from micro to global fashion businesses and students in a range of locations. Through transformation design and participatory design practices, we seek to extend the value of fashion by design and business model innovation. As part of the wider Business of Fashion Textiles Technology (BFFT) project.
Project Team
Professor Dilys Williams, Co-Investigator – Centre for Sustainable Fashion
Professor Steve Evans, Co-Investigator – Cambridge University Institute of Manufacturing
Laetitia Forst, Post-Doc Researcher – Centre for Sustainable Fashion
Doroteya Vladimirova, Post-Doc Researcher – Cambridge University
Naomi Bulliard, Knowledge Exchange Lead – Centre for Sustainable Fashion
ReModelling Futures Method
In collaboration with ASOS, Petit Pli, Phoebe English, Save Your Wardrobe, and students from global institutions, we have developed the ReModelling Futures Method.
The framework and guidebook takes users through the stages of the design process and embeds scenario-building in the early stages. The aim of the method is to produce innovative product service system concepts that take stock of current and future contexts for design.