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May 10, 20162 min read
How to be a COPtimist
What started as a conversation over lunch turned into a commitment from world leading filmmakers, fashion designers, musicians, actors,...

Dec 11, 20153 min read
UAL Student Voices: Solutions
As COP21 talks draw to a close and we wait to see a new global agreement on climate change, it seems the perfect time to visit the last...

Dec 8, 20152 min read
UAL Student Voices: So Much Stuff
Podcast producer Alix Hayhurst a UAL alumna and a selection of UAL students who contributed to the podcast Today we release Podcast #2:...

Dec 7, 20152 min read
UAL Student Voices: Who Cares?
Melting Icemen by Néle Azevedo As the first generation to really understand climate change and the last generation to be able to do...

Dec 3, 20152 min read
Another world is possible
Image by David Buckland, Cape Farewell In the run-up to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) taking place from 30...

Nov 30, 20152 min read
COP 21 Paris – the beginning
Photos by Kate Fletcher I am just back from a few days in Paris at the start of the COP21 negotiations on climate change. I was there as...
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