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Fashion Values

Fashion Values is an educational programme ideated and developed by Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF), UAL, in partnership with Kering, IBM and Vogue Business.  

Fashion Values is an educational programme ideated and developed by Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF), UAL, in partnership with Kering, IBM and Vogue Business. Bringing together perspectives across design, technology and media, the programme features voices and inputs from industry and academia alike.  


It aims to enable the next generation of fashion designers, strategists and communicators to create sustainably; to empower imagination, innovation and consciousness through sustainability leadership; and to make education and learning globally informed, interdisciplinary and accessible. 


The programme is hosted on an interactive platform featuring curated articles, learning resources, an open-call Challenge and a suite of online courses to help users develop sustainability literacy, capabilities and knowledge. Seeking to change the course of the fashion industry in the face of the climate emergency, Fashion Values invites learners from all backgrounds to re-imagine fashion for people and planet. 

Programme Outline

The Fashion Values programme is made up of five key elements: 


The Platform 

The digital home of the programme, hosting educational resources to support engagement and understanding of the topics explored through the programme: 

  • Voices: inspirational articles, videos and podcasts from sustainability thought leaders that focus on the year’s central sustainability theme; 

  • Methods: short-form, subject-specific learning resources created in collaboration with the Fashion Values partners, drawing from their expertise and perspectives across fashion, media and tech; 

  • A suite of four open-access online courses deep-diving into fashion and Nature, Culture, Society and Economy. 


The Roundtable 

A yearly event convening the Fashion Values network to determine a Challenge to support innovation in sustainability. The Roundtable brings together a coalition of voices from across academia, fashion, media and tech to identify a set of briefs in relation to the year’s central sustainability theme. 


The Challenge  

A global call-out for fashion and sustainability innovation in products, services and systems. The Challenge is open to learners from across the globe who will have the opportunity to respond to the brief defined by the Roundtable. 


The Hack 

An online workshop aiming to help Challenge applicants to catalyse ideas in response to the briefs through practice-based exploration. 


The Insights  
A yearly report profiling innovation and signals of change gathered throughout the programme. Co-developed by Vogue Business and the CSF Research team, the Insights amplify learnings beyond the programme by highlighting opportunities for change to the wider fashion system, and showcase transformational responses to the Challenge. 

The Fashion Values programme is targeted at an audience representative of the wider fashion industry: 

  • Students 

  • Recent graduates 

  • Designers 

  • Fashion industry professionals 

  • Academics and educators 

  • Sustainability practitioners 

“Fashion Values is about changing who and what is taught and learnt – as well as to what purpose. Fashion Values is about encouraging a mass of responses to issues of mass extinction. Our aim is to recognise and support a generation of fashion professionals to understand the value of living nature and engage in restorative practices in different places and ways.”
– Professor Dilys Williams, Director of Centre for Sustainable Fashion at London College of Fashion, UAL 

“Kering will share its experience and skills to encourage future designers, marketers, strategists, and communicators to create sustainably. It is now crucial that we join our forces as industry leaders to embed even more sustainability into the next generation’s education.”
– Marie-Claire Daveu, Chief Sustainability Officer and Head of International Institutional Affairs at Kering 

“By sharing our experience and insights on the role that technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain and cloud can play, we are confident the fashion industry can become more vibrant, successful, and sustainable.”

– Karl Haller, Partner, Consumer Industry at IBM 

Project Team

  • Nina Stevenson, Head of Education (Sustainability)

  • Jade McSorley, Head of Knowledge Exchange (Sustainability)

  • Lou Budd, Education Projects Coordinator and Knowledge Exchange Project Manager (Sustainability)

  • Charley Copperthwaite, Education Projects Coordinator and Knowledge Exchange Officer (Sustainability)

  • Hannah Riley, Digital Content Officer

Contact for the project 

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