Fashion Futures 2030 Toolkits
Fashion Futures 2030 is an online toolkit designed to help educators, industry professionals and students engage in critical thought and discourse of fashion and nature through the exploration of four possible future scenarios.

We are part of the biggest change that humans have ever instigated. We need to draw on human ingenuity to create ways in which we can live well together, in nature. Fashion Futures 2030 draws on practical experimentation, action research and extensive experience. Four possible future scenarios are presented: Living with Less, Hyper Hype, Safety Race and Chaos Embrace. By engaging with future scenarios, we can develop interventions and commitments for better design, business and communication.
The Fashion Futures 2030 toolkits allow us to critically consider fashion and nature. The toolkits are designed to help educators, industry professionals and students explore different aspects of fashion futures and ways to incorporate them.
By engaging with future scenarios, fashion industry and education can develop visions, interventions and commitments to guide strategy for design, business and communication. We invite you to join us in this process, so that together, we can transform the fashion system to one that can help to sustain us all.