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Artefact: Volume 1.0, CSF – A Snapshot Analysis

Fashion & Sustainability: A Snapshot Analysis from March 2008. This report highlights opportunities for the Centre for Sustainable Fashion to meet the industry’s need for a networked and focused approach to sustainable activity in the fashion industry. 

Artefact: Volume 1.0, CSF – A Snapshot Analysis

This report describes the outcomes of this feasibility study. It specifically sets out to: 

  • Explore the current climate in fashion and sustainability, taking into account news and media coverage, reports, publications and market intelligence;

  • Identify the pressures on the fashion industry as a result of media interest and subsequent consumer attitudes; 

  • Map the current provision of sustainability support accessible to the sector; 

  • Analyse the findings of the LCF Sustainability in Fashion survey to evaluate current sustainability activity within the sector and the levels of support which currently exist; 

  • Gauge the current political agenda, specifically environmental and ethical lobby groups; current government support, activity and legislation that affects the fashion industry, e.g. Defra’s EU landfill directive; activity surrounding the 2012 London Olympics; 

  • Discuss the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and other support organisations;

  • Identify the need for an industry body such as the CSF. Ultimately, this report highlights opportunities for the CSF to meet the industry’s need for a networked and focused approach to sustainable activity in the fashion industry

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