Education for Sustainability Transformation – Progress Report 2021
This report gathers EST-related evidence drawn from activities that have taken, are taking place, or are in preparation across LCF and at CSF towards education that is based on principles of ecological and social equity.

LCF first formally foregrounded sustainability into curriculum ethos, course content, assessment and learning outcomes in 2007, with the creation of the first MA course in fashion and sustainability, led by Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF). Since then, LCF has increasingly supported the development and integration of sustainability into the curriculum across all courses and levels at the college.
Since 2016, this has been formally recognised in the LCF Education for Sustainability Transformation (EST) Strategy and Action Plan. This plan aims for LCF to fully demonstrate that its education is based on principles of ecological and social equity.
This report gathers EST-related evidence drawn from activities that have taken, are taking place, or are in preparation across LCF and at University of the Arts’ (UAL) Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) towards this aim. The evidence has been organised by the six EST priorities as outlined in the EST Strategy. It offers a summary of achievements and changes since 2016, building on the EST Interim Report (published 2019). This evidence also demonstrates our alignment with and commitment to PRME – Principles of Responsible Management Education, which LCF has been a member of since 2015.